Mercante in Fiera Autumn Edition 2023

30 Sett - 8 Ott | Parma

Also this year Bisgart will take part in Mercante in Fiera in Parma - Autumn Edition.
The event starts on October 30th September and it ends on October 8th.

You will find us at Hall 6 - Stand A30

Mercante in Fiera Spring Edition

29 Feb - 9 Mar | Parma

Also this year Bisgart will take part in Mercante in Fiera in Parma - Spring Edition.
The event starts on February 29th and it ends on March 9th.

You will find us at Hall 6 - Stand A30

Mercante in Fiera Autumn Edition 2021

05 Oct - 13 Oct | Parma

Also this year Bisgart will take part in Mercante in Fiera in Parma - Autumn Edition.
The event starts on October 5th and it ends on October 13th.

You will find us at Hall 6 - Stand A30